LOCATION: Deansgate, Manchester
The experimental music label Front & Follow has long been a firm favourite at Unofficial Britain, with many of their releases exploring landscape and evoking curious atmospheres.
Their latest compilation, You Can Nevcr Leave, is a riff on an advert for new luxury apartments in Deansgate, Manchester, featuring 31 artists including Field Lines Cartographer, Elizabeth Joan Kelly, Her Majesty’s Coroner for Wirral, The Leaf Library, Polypores, Hattie Cooke and more.
The original advert for the Deansgate Sq. flats is quite astonishing, as you’ll see below. The only thing missing is a bit at the end where the buff couple return to the apartment and light up a Gwyneth Paltrow cludge candle, before the man gets out a chainsaw and begins chasing the woman around the room to the Front & Follow soundtrack, laughing maniacally.
You can stream some of the album’s tracks or download the whole thing from here: You Can Never Leave. Proceeds from the sales will go to Coffee4Craig, which provides support for Manchester’s homeless.